Sunday, January 23, 2022

Overwhelming Times

 I can only imagine how everyone must feel in these times, struggling to stay afloat financially and emotionally. Cost of living, Covid- 19, depression t all members of your household. People have become isolated, full of fear and anxiety. Not knowing if they can make the rent or car note coming due in a few days. We become paralyzed with fear and try and sleep the days away. Things to do and more worries, problems and emotions piling up on a daily life. This life right now is not for the weak. We have to remain strong, adapt and deal with our emotions. We have to accept that the world is turning, and of course karma returning. Returning what we reap is what she does best, and we have to endure her along with all the rest. Indeed, we have to gather our strength and regain our faith that soon all will return to normal. Maybe it won't ever return to normal, that's why we were meant to adapt and look for a better way of living. God has given us this life may it be hard or easy, but he gave us breath and we got to keep living. Many years have passed me by drowning in all these bad things life has thrown at us. Many have it worse than others and I pray for those who do have it worse, of course I can't imagine their pain and suffering, when I can hardly withstand my own. When I wake up on my good days, I feel like someone out there is praying for me as well. That gives me hope and a sense of worth and love. The saddest part of life right now is that in these times family should be united, but I only see them falling apart. People quick to cut people off and be unforgiving for the simplest things. Judgment on each other, no mercy for the lost. No mercy for the addicted, depress, or the mental. Not really caring what they are truly going through because they have enough on their plate to deal with someone else. Then we wonder why life is so hard and karma is out to get everyone. Be kind in these times, pray, help and sustain one another. If you help others karma will come back good. Life will start to get easier, and you will have peace in your heart, soul and mind. I can only pray God gets me and my family through these hard times, to help others and find peace within ourselves. That should be the ultimate in self-love. Love yourself so you can love others. Not to think you are better than others and not care about what others are going through, but to have enough love within yourself to be able to give some of that love to others. To not judge others for their choices or mistakes, but to help them make better ones, with love and guidance. Being greedy with your love is a grave mistake, for God had love for all and so should we all. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 This is a poem I wrote 5/16/01

I can't believe the fate of our world, watching the news yet another tragedy has accrued. Innocent child of four years old, shot down cold in the living room floor. Gang members don't care who the bullet hits they just fire Boom Boom and jump ship. The family left in pain as they have to explain how everything went down, what they saw and heard. The grandmother starts to say, I had to save one of my grandchildren, but I couldn't save both, when I tried to grab the other his whole stomach was blown. Gunshot ripped him open he was gone for sure. Tragedy takes another soul and leaves a family in pain to never see that child grow. Guns in the wrong hands that's why so many people are against a weapon that was once made to protect and serve. Now they are evil in evil's hands to take an innocent's soul.